Ivica Crnkovic - My main activities
Conferences, Seminars, PhD examination, invited talks, etc.
- LIRMM, Montpellier, Dec 18, PhD Reviewer for Petr Spacek
- Linköping University, Nov 27, Lic Reviewer for Maria Vasilevskaya
- ZSEM, Zagreb, Croatina, Nov 18-22, Guest lectures
- FOI Varazdin, Nov 22; PhD reviewer for Mario Konecki
- ASE 2013, Palo Alto, California, Nov 11-15, Conference
- ETFOS, Osijek University, Croatia, Oct 21-23, Guest Professor
- CyPhERS EU workshop, Munich Germany, Oct 14-15
- SPP German Research CouncProgram workshop, Munich Germany, Oct 14-15
- Norwegian Research Council, Oslo, Norway, Oct 11, Reviewer/li>
- Charles University, Prague, Czech rep. Oct 2, Reviewer for doc Petr Hnetnyha
- Charles University, Prague, Czech rep. Oct 3, Guest lecture
- ITS-EASY PDH postgraduate school yearly report, Vasteras, Sweden, Sept 25, Chair
- ETFOS, Osijek University, Croatia, Sept 11-14, Guest Professor
- Euromicro SEAA conference, Santander, Spain, Sept 3-5, TC Chair
- ESEC/FSE Conference, St Petersburg, Sept 20-24, SC member
- UFBA Salvador, Brazil, Sep 12-18, Guest Professor
- SERA 2013, Charles University, Prague, Czech rep. Aug 6-9, General Chair
- COMPSAC Conference, Kyoto, July 22-25, PC Member
- ECSA Conferemce, Montepliier, July 2-5, PC member
- Comparch 2013, Vancouver, Canada,June 17-21, SC Member
- CBSE 2013@,Comparch 2013, Vancouver, Canada, June 17-21, SC Member
- ITS-EASY workshop, Paderborn, June 29-31, Chair
- ETFOS, Osijek University, Croatia, May 6-9, Guest Professor
- ICSE 2013, San Francisco, US, May 20-27, Presentation
- FER Zagreb University, Zagreb, April 11-18, Guest professor
- KHT, Stockholm, April 25, Licentiate seminar
- KHT, Stockholm, April 25, Guest seminar
- FESB, Split, April 3, Phd Reviewer
- FESB, Split, April 2-5, Guest lectures
- Chalmers, Gothenburg, March 27, Reviewer for Phd Ulrik Eklund
- COMPSAC PC meeting, London, March 21-23, Pc Member
- Chalmers, Gothenburg, Feb 1, Reviewer
- ETFOS Osijek University, Zagreb, Croatia, Jan 9-12, Guest professor
Courses taught:
- Distrubuted Software Development (7.5 ETCS)
- ACBSE - Advanced component-based software engineering (7.5 ETCS)
- Software Design and modelling (6 ECTS, University of Osijek)
- Automata and Formal Languages (6 ECTS, University of Osijek)
- Software Development Processes (6 ECTS, University of Zagreb)
- system Analysis and Design (6 ECTS, School of management in Zagreb)
- Software Engineering projects (15 ECTS)
Research Projects
- DICES - Croatian Funding Unity Through Knowledge (UKF)
- GSEEM (Global Software Engineering)
- ITS-EASY - KKS Industrial PhD school
- CONTESSE - Swedish Research Council (VR)
- RALF3 - Foundation for Swedish Strategic Research (SSF)
- HELPING: Heterogeneous Platform Deployment Modelling of Embedded Systems (VR)
- InCloud - Industrial systems Cloud Computing (KKS)
- Linnaeus-Palme MDH-UFBA, Salvador, Brazil
- Linnaeus-Palme MDH-ETFOS, Osijek, Croatia
Advising Ph.D. students
- Luka Lednicki, Juraj Feljan, Josip Maras, <a href="http://www.es.mdh.se/staff/407-Scott_Hissam, Gaetana Sapienca
- Kurt Wallnau (obtained PhD), Hongyu Pei Breivold, (obtained PhD), Séverine Sentilles, (obtained PhD), Aneta Vulgarakis, (obtained PhD), Magnus Larsson (obtained PhD), Rikard Land (obtained PhD), Frank Lüders (obtained PhD), Goran Mustapic (Obtained Lic), Christina Wallin (Obtained Lic), Rikard Lindell (Obtained Lic), Annita Persson Dahlquist (Obtained LiC), Johan Fredriksson (obtained PhD), Stig Larsson (obtained PhD), Mikael Åkerholm (obtained PhD)
PC member, reviewer, organizer
- SAC 2013, Coimbra, Portugal, March 18-22
- SCORE@ICSE 2013, San Francisco, May 18-26
- GREENS@ICSE 2013, San Francisco, May 20
- SEES@ICSE 2013, San Francisco, May 21
- XP 2013, Vienna, June 3-7,
- CompArch 2013, Vancouver, June 17-21
- QoSA@CompArch 2013, Vancouver, June 17-21
- CBSE@CompArch 2013, Vancouver, June 17-21
- ISARCS@CompArch 2013, Vancouver, June 17-21
- WCOP@CompArch 2013, Vancouver, June 17-21
- ICSR 2013, Pisa, Italy June 18-21
- CTGDSD@ICSE 2013, San Francisco, May 21
- ECSA 2013, Montpellier, France, July 1-5
- COMPSAC 13, Kyoto, Japan July 22-26
- SERA 2013, Prague, Aug 7-9
- SPLC 2013, Tokyo, Japan, Aug 26-28
- ESEC/FSE'13, St. Petersburg, Russia, Aug 21-23
- Euromicro SEAA 2013, Santander, Spain, Sept 4-6
- ASE 2013, Palo Alto, US Nov 11-15 2013.
- SERENE2103, Kyiv, Ukraine, Oct 3-4
- Journal: Information Software and Technology
- Journal: Journal of Systems and Software
- Journal: CIT - Journal of Computing and Information Technology
- IEE Software Special Edition Software (2011 Volu 28, Issue 3): Components beyond Programming - from Routines to Services
Conferences, Seminars, PhD examination, invited talks, etc.
- Chalmers, Gothenburg, Dec 17, External recrutment reviewer
- Uppsala University, Dec 10, Research and Innovation stratgic meeting
- Karlstad University, Nov 21, VIPP research school Board meeting
- Visiting University of Zagreb, FER & FOI faculties, Nov 12-16, Guest Professor
- ETFOS, Osijek University, Croatia, Oct 22-24, Guest PRofessor
- Knowledge Foundation (KKS), Stockholm, Nov 25, Research school expert meeting
- Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Oct 10, Expert reviewer
- Charles University in Prague, Sept 22-23, Pavel Jezek PhD defence, the reviewer
- ETFOS, Osijek University, Croatia, Sept 24-46, Guest Professor
- Research Council Norway, Oslo, Sept 14, reviewer
- UFBA Salvador, Brazil, Aug 27-Sep 7, Guest Professor
- SPLC conference, Salvador, Brazil, Sept 3-7, Panel member, Dynamic SPLs
- WICSA/ECSA 2012, Helsinki, Aug 20-24, Panel member
- IFIP WG 2.10 Software Architecture meeting, Helsinki Aug 19-20
- Danfoss strategic meeting, Berlin, Aug 10-12, Expert advisor
- Comparch 2012, Bertinoro, Italy,June 25-28, Keynote
- ROSS@ComArch 2012, Bertinoro, Italy, June 25, Organiser
- CBSE 2013@,Comparch 2013, Bertinoro, Italy,June 25-28, Presentation
- ASE 2012, PC meeting, Zurich, Switzerland, May 30-13, PC member
- ICSE 2012, Zurich, Switzerland, June 2-29, Presentation
- CTFDSD@ICSE 2012, Zurich, Switzerland, June 9, PC Member
- EduRexD@ICSE 2012, Zurich, Switzerland, June 9, PC Member
- SEES@ICSE 2012, Zurich, Switzerland, June 9, PC Member
- FSE PC meeting, PC member
MIPRO 2012, Opatija, Croatia May 21-24, Keynote
- Rijeka University, Rijeka, May 21, Guest lecture
- Darmstadt - University of Applied Sciences, April 27-28, Guest professor
- FER Zagreb University, Zagreb, April 11-18, Guest professor
- COMPSAC PC meeting, Los Angeles, March 12-14, Pc Member
- L'Aquila University, PhD Defense (Ivano Manavolta, etc.), Mar 15-17, Reviewer
- DFG/German Research Council, Design for Future-Managed Software Evolution review meeting, Bonn, Mar 12-13, Expert
- IFIP WG 2.10 Software Architecture meeting, L'Aquila Feb 28-Match 2
- OPEN SME Workshop, Athens, Greece, Feb 17, Presentation
- Twente University, Arjan de Roo PhD Defense, Reviewer
- ETFOS Osijek University, Zagreb, Croatia, Jan 14-15, Guest professor
- FER Zagreb University, Zagreb, Croatia, Jan 11-12, Guest professor
Courses taught:
- Distrubuted Software Development (7.5 ETCS)
- ACBSE - Advanced component-based software engineering (7.5 ETCS)
- Software Design and modelling (6 ECTS, University of Osijek)
- Automata and Formal Languages (6 ECTS, University of Osijek)
- Software Development Processes (6 ECTS, University of Zagreb)
- Software Engineering projects (15 ECTS)
Research Projects
- PROGRESS - Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF)
- DICES - Croatian Funding Unity Through Knowledge (UKF)
- GSEEM (Global Software Engineering)
- ITS-EASY - KKS Industrial PhD school
- CONTESSE - Swedish Research Council (VR)
- RALF3 - Foundation for Swedish Strategic Research (SSF)
- DICES - Croatian Funding Unity Through Knowledge (UKF)
- Linnaeus-Palme MDH-UFBA, Salvador, Brazil
- Linnaeus-Palme MDH-ETFOS, Osijek, Croatia
Advising Ph.D. students
- Luka Lednicki, Juraj Feljan, Josip Maras, Scot Hissam, Gabriel Campeanu, Gaetana Sapienca
- Kurt Wallnau (obtained PhD), Hongyu Pei Breivold, (obtained PhD), Séverine Sentilles, (obtained PhD), Aneta Vulgarakis, (obtained PhD), Magnus Larsson (obtained PhD), Rikard Land (obtained PhD), Frank Lüders (obtained PhD), Goran Mustapic (Obtained Lic), Christina Wallin (Obtained Lic), Rikard Lindell (Obtained Lic), Annita Persson Dahlquist (Obtained LiC), Johan Fredriksson (obtained PhD), Stig Larsson (obtained PhD), Mikael Åkerholm (obtained PhD)
PC member, reviewer, organizer
- SAC 2013, Coimbra, Portugal, March 18-22
- SCORE@ICSE 2013, San Francisco, May 18-26
- GREENS@ICSE 2013, San Francisco, May 20
- SEES@ICSE 2013, San Francisco, May 21
- XP 2013, Vienna, June 3-7,
- CompArch 2013, Vancouver, June 17-21
- QoSA@CompArch 2013, Vancouver, June 17-21
- CBSE@CompArch 2013, Vancouver, June 17-21
- ISARCS@CompArch 2013, Vancouver, June 17-21
- WCOP@CompArch 2013, Vancouver, June 17-21
- ICSR 2013, Pisa, Italy June 18-21
- CTGDSD@ICSE 2013, San Francisco, May 21
- ECSA 2013, Montpellier, France, July 1-5
- COMPSAC 13, Kyoto, Japan July 22-26
- SERA 2013, Prague, Aug 7-9
- SPLC 2013, Tokyo, Japan, Aug 26-28
- ESEC/FSE'13, St. Petersburg, Russia, Aug 21-23
- Euromicro SEAA 2013, Santander, Spain, Sept 4-6
- ASE 2013, Palo Alto, US Nov 11-15 2013.
- SERENE2103, Kyiv, Ukraine, Oct 3-4
- Journal: Information Software and Technology
- Journal: Journal of Systems and Software
- Journal: CIT - Journal of Computing and Information Technology
- IEE Software Special Edition Software (2011 Volu 28, Issue 3): Components beyond Programming - from Routines to Services
Conferences, Seminars, PhD examination, invited talks, etc.
- UFBA Salvador, Brazil, Guest Professor, Dec 13-20
- ASE 2011, Oread, Lawrence, Kan. US, Nov 6-10, PC member
- Kiev Gama, Grenoable University, PhD Defense, grading committee
- SERENE 2011, Geneve, CH, Sept 29-30, Keynote
- ECSA 2011, Essen, Germany, Sept 13-16, PC Chair
- ESEC/FSE 2011, Szeged, Hungary, Sept 5-9, SC member
- New Ideas@ESEC/FSE 2011, Szeged, Hungary, PC member
- Euromicro SEAA, Pulu, Finland,Aug 30-Sept 2, Track Chair, SC member
- ASE 2011, PC meeting, Mountain View, CA, July 11-14, PC member
- Comparch 2011, Boulder CO, US, June 20-24, General Chair
- CBSE 2011, Boulder CO, US June 20-24, General Chair
- QOSA 2011, Boulder CO, US June 20-24, General Chair
- ISARC 2011, Boulder CO, US June 20-24, General Chair
- WICSA 2011, Boulder CO, US June 20-24, PC member
- WCOP 2011, Boulder, CO, US; June 20-24, General Chair
- IFIP Sofware Archirtecture Workshop, Boulder June 18-19
- ICSE 2011, Hawaii, May 21-28
- SCORE@ICSE 2011, Hawaii May 23m 2011, PC member
- Bologna University, PHD Defense, Marco Panunzio, ShalineeT iwari,Wilmer Ricciotti, PHD defences, grading committee
- Charles University in Prague, March 29, Invited talk
- COMPSAC 2011 PC meetong, Beiging, March 16-19, PC member
- Thessaloniki University, Thessaloniki, Greece, April 12, Invated talk
- WOSP IPCE 2011, Karlsruhe, Ge, March 14-16, PC Member
- ISEC 2011, Thiruvananthapuram, India, Feb 23-27, PC Member
Courses taught:
- Distrubuted Software Development (7.5 ETCS)
- CBSE - Building reliable component-based systems, Ph.D course (7.5 ETCS)
- Software Design and modelling (6 ECTS, University of Osijek)
- Software Engineering Course (7.5 ETCS)
- Software Engineering projects (15 ECTS)
Research Projects
- PROGRESS - Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF)
- DICES - Croatian Funding Unity Through Knowledge (UKF)
- GSEEM (Global Software Engineering)
- SOFAR - Software Architecture Evolution
- ITS-EASY - KKS Research school
- FIND - KK stiftelsen
- SACO - KK Stiftelsen
Advising Ph.D. students
- Hongyu Pei Breivold, Séverine Sentilles, Aneta Vulgarakis, Ana Petricic, Luka Lednickil, Juraj Feljan, Josip Maras
- Kurt Wallnau (obtained PhD), Magnus Larsson (obtained PhD), Rikard Land (obtained PhD), Frank Lüders (obtained PhD), Goran Mustapic (Obtained Lic), Christina Wallin (Obtained Lic), Rikard Lindell (Obtained Lic), Annita Persson Dahlquist (Obtained LiC) Johan Fredriksson (obtained PhD), Stig Larsson (obtained PhD), Mikael Åkerholm (obtained PhD)
PC member, reviewer, organizer
- ASE 2011, Oread, Lawrence, Kan. US, Nov 6-10, PC member
- SERENE 2011, Geneve, CH, Sept 29-30, Keynote
- ECSA 2011, Essen, Germany, Sept 13-16, PC Chair
- ESEC/FSE 2011, Szeged, Hungary, Sept 5-9, SC member
- New Ideas@ESEC/FSE 2011, Szeged, Hungary, PC member
- Euromicro SEAA, Pulu, Finland,Aug 30-Sept 2, Trac Chair, SC member
- Comparch 2011, Boulder CO, US, June 20-24, General Chair
- CBSE 2011, Boulder CO, US June 20-24,General Chair
- QOSA 2011, Boulder CO, US June 20-24, General Chair
- ISARC 2011, Boulder CO, US June 20-24, General Chair
- WICSA 2011, Boulder CO, US June 20-24, PC member
- WCOP 2011, Boulder, CO, US; June 20-24, General Chair
- SCORE@ICSE 2011, Hawaii May 11-28 2011, PC member
- WOSP IPCE 2011, Karlsruhe, Ge, March 14-16, PC Member
- ISEC 2011, Thiruvananthapuram, India, Feb 23-27
- Journal: Information Software and Technology
- Journal: Journal of Systems and Software
- Journal: CIT - Journal of Computing and Information Technology
- Journal: IEEE TII - Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Spceila edition
- IEE Software Special Edition Software (2011 Volu 28, Issue 3): Components beyond Programming - from Routines to Services
Conferences, Seminars, PhD examination, invited talks, etc.
- Olena Rogovchenko, PHD grading committee, UNIVERSITE PIERRE ET MARIE CURIE - PARIS 6, Dec 1, Paris (Telcon)
- Marin Orlic, PHD grading committee, University of Zagreb, Nov 4, Zagreb, Croatia
- Lectures at Osijek University, ETFOS, Oct 18-20
- Lecture at Banja Lunka University, Oct 22, Bih
- MODELS 2010, Oslo, Norway, Oct 4-5
- Acritecture and components workshop, MDH, Oct 1, Sweden, Organizer
- Kurt Wallanu, PHD defense, MDH, Sept 31, Sweden, Main advisor
- SoftCom, Split-Bol Sept 23-27, Croatia
- Euromicro SEAA, Lille, France, Sept 1-3, Track Chair
- CompArch 2010 (CBSE 2010, QoSA 2010, ISARCS 2010), Prague, June 20-24, SC Chair
- ASE 2010 PC meetimg, Milano, May 27, PC member
- EuSEC 2010 Conference, Stockholm, Keynote & PHD adviser
- ICSE 2010, Capetown May South Africa, QOUVADIS Workshop, PC member
- COMPSAC PC Meeting, Dallas, March 22-23, PC Member
- IFIP Sofwtare Architecture meeting, Mountain View, CA, March 16-18
- French Software Engineering Symposium, LMO 2010, PAU, France, March 9-11, Keynote
- PAU University, visiting researcher, Match 4-15
- Vrije University Amsterdam, Intarnational students program, February 15-17
- SICS, Stockholm, Seminar, February 29
- FOU, Varazdin, University of Zagreb, January, PHD course
- Sönderborg, University of Southern Denmark, Jan 15, Gu Yuo PHD defense, grading committee
Courses taught:
- Distrubuted Software Development (7.5 ETCS)
- CBSE - Building reliable component-based systems, Ph.D course (7.5 ETCS)
- Software Design and modelling (6 ECTS, University of Osijek)
- Software Engineering Course (7.5 ETCS)
- Software Engineering projects (15 ECTS)
Research Projects
- PROGRESS - Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF)
- ISE - KK stiftelsen
- DICES - Croatian Funding Unity Through Knowledge (UKF)
- GSEEM (Global Software Engineering)
- SOFAR - Software Architecture Evolution
- BALSOP -KK stiftelsen
- FIND - KK stiftelsen
- SACO - KK Stiftelsen
Advising Ph.D. students
- Hongyu Pei Breivold, Séverine Sentilles, Aneta Vulgarakis, Kurt Wallnau, Ana Petricic, Luka Lednickil, Juraj Feljan, Josip Maras
- Magnus Larsson (obtained PhD), Rikard Land (obtained PhD), Frank Lüders (obtained PhD), Goran Mustapic (Obtained Lic), Christina Wallin (Obtained Lic), Rikard Lindell (Obtained Lic), Annita Persson Dahlquist (Obtained LiC) Johan Fredriksson (obtained PhD), Stig Larsson (obtained PhD), Mikael Åkerholm (obtained PhD)
PC member, reviewer, organizer
- ASE 2010, - PC Member
- CBSE 2010- IPC Member, SC Member
- Quovadis @ ICSE 2010, PC member
- COMPARCH 2010, SC Chair
- CBSE 2010, PC Member
- QOSA 2010, PC Member
- COMSAC 2010, PC Member
- EPEW 2010, PC member
- Journal: Information Software and Technology
- Journal: Journal of Systems and Software
- Journal: CIT - Journal of Computing and Information Technology
- Journal: IEEE TII - Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Spceila edition
- IEE Software Special Edition Software (2011 Volu 28, Issue 3): Components beyond Programming - from Routines to Services
Conferences, Seminars, PhD examination, invited talks, etc.
- ASE 2009, Auckland, New Zeeland, 16-20 Nov, PC Member
- MBR 2009, Campinas, Brazil, Dec 16-19, Invited talk
- Campinas University, Campinas, Brazil, Dec 15, Invited talk
- MDH Education International Days, Västerås, Dec 9-11, Invited talk
- Växjo University, Sweden,, PHD Grading Committee, Rüdger Licke, Nov 23
- MRTC/MIT Industrial Day, MDH Västerås, Sweden, Nov 5, Organizer
- Séverine Sentilles Lic Defense, MDH Västerås, Sweden, Nov 4, Main advisor
- Split, FESB, Split, Croatia, Sep 30, Invited talk
- Aneta Vulgarakis, LIc Defence, MDH Västerås, Sweden, Sep 16, Main advisor
- CBSE 2009, East Stroudsburg U., Pennsylvania, USA, June 22-26, 2009, Presentation
- ICSE 2009, Vancouver, Canada, May 16-24, 2009
- QoSA 2009, East Stroudsburg U., Pennsylvania, USA, June 22-26, 2009
- ICSE 2009 SCORE, MDH the winner!!
- FER, Zagreb, Croatia, PHD Grading Committee Tihana Galinic, April
- FOI, Varazdin, Croatia, PHD Grading Committee - Sandro Geric, February
- Sofia University, April 30, Invited talk
- Hongyu Pei-Breivold, Lic Defense MDH Västerås, Sweden, Jan 26, Main advisor
Courses taught:
- Distrubuted Software Development (7.5 ETCS)
- CBSE - Building reliable component-based systems, Ph.D course (7.5 ETCS)
- Software Engineering Course (7.5 ETCS)
- Software Engineering projects (15 ECTS)
Research Projects
- PROGRESS - Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF)
- SAVE-IT - KK stiftelsen
- ISE - KK stiftelsen
- DICES - Croatian Funding Unity Through Knowledge (UKF)
- GSEEM (Global Software Engineering)
- APICS - A Process for Efficient and Effective Integration of Component Based Software
- SOFAR - Software Architecture Evolution
- SAVE and SAVE++ (SSF)
- BALSOP -KK stiftelsen
- FIND - KK stiftelsen
- SACO - KK Stiftelsen
Advising Ph.D. students
- Hongyu Pei Breivold, Séverine Sentilles, Aneta Vulgarakis, Kurt Wallnau, Ana Petricic, Luka Lednickil, Juraj Feljan, Josip Maras
- Magnus Larsson (obtained PhD), Rikard Land (obtained PhD), Frank Lüders (obtained PhD), Goran Mustapic (Obtained Lic), Christina Wallin (Obtained Lic), Rikard Lindell (Obtained Lic), Annita Persson Dahlquist (Obtained LiC) Johan Fredriksson (obtained PhD), Stig Larsson (obtained PhD), Mikael Åkerholm (obtained PhD)
PC member, reviewer, organizer
- ASE 2009, - PC Member
- CBSE 2009- IPC Member, SC Member
- Quovadis @ ICSE 2010, PC member
- COMPARCH 2010, SC Chair
- CBSE 2010, PC Member
- QOSA 2010, PC Member
- COMSAC 2010, PC Member
- ASE 2010, PC member
- EPEW 2010, PC member
- Journal: Information Software and Technology
- Journal: Journal of Systems and Software
- Journal: CIT - Journal of Computing and Information Technology
- Journal: IEEE TII - Transactions on Industrial Informatics
Conferences, Seminars, PhD examination, invited talks, etc.
- SERPS´08, Karlskrona, Sweden, Nov 4-5
- COMPARCH (CBSE + QoSA), Karlsruhe, Germany, Oct 14-18, Steering commiitte, PC member
- Johan Fredriksson, PhD defense, MDH, Oct 3, The main advisor
- GSEEM Presentation, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Och 7
- Jaana Nyfjord, PhD Defense, Stocjholm University, Sweden, September 26, The committee member
- ASE'08, L'Aquila, Italy, Sept 15-19
- Anton Jansen, Groningen, The Netherlands, Sept 19, The committee member
- Euromicro SEAA, Parma, Italy, Sept 3-5, Steering committee, PC chair of CBSE track
- PACC Workshop, SEi/CMU, Pittsburgh, US, August 4-5
- PROGRESS COMES workshop, Sigtuna, Sweden, June 17-18
- ASE´08, PC meeting, Mountain View, US, June 3-4
- Mikael Åkerholm, PHD Defense, MDH, May 29, The main advisor
- ICSE 2008, Leipzig, Germany, May 12-16, PC member
- SEESE 2008 workshop, Leipzig, Germany, May 13, Organiser
- DESSERT, Kirovograd, Ukraine, April 22-25, Invited speaker
- Oliver Hummel, PhD defense, Mannheim University, March 11, The committee member
- Perla Velasco, PhD defense, Manchetsre university, Jan 21, The committee member
Courses taught:
- Distrubuted Software Development (7.5 ETCS)
- CBSE - Building reliable component-based systems, Ph.D course (7.5 ETCS)
- Software Engineering Course (7.5 ETCS)
Research Projects
- PROGRESS - Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF)
- SAVE-IT - KK stiftelsen
- ISE - KK stiftelsen
- DICES - Croatian Funding Unity Through Knowledge (UKF)
- GSEEM (Global Software Engineering)
- APICS - A Process for Efficient and Effective Integration of Component Based Software
- SOFAR - Software Architecture Evolution
- SAVE and SAVE++ (SSF)
- BALSOP -KK stiftelsen
Advising Ph.D. students
- Johan Fredriksson, Stig Larsson, Hongyu Pei Breivold, Séverine Sentilles, Aneta Vulgarakis, Kurt Wallnau, Mikael Åkerholm, Ana Petricic, Luka Lednickil Juraj Feljan
- Magnus Larsson (obtained PhD), Rikard Land (obtained PhD), Frank Lüders (obtained PhD), Goran Mustapic (Obtained Lic), Christina Wallin (Obtained Lic), Rikard Lindell (Obtained Lic), Annita Persson Dahlquist (Obtained LiC)
PC member, reviewer
- ASE'08 - Aytomated Software Engineering Conference
- CBSE 2008 - International ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on
Component-Based Software Engineering
- ICSE 2008 - International Conference on Software EngineeringITI conference
- Journal: Information Software and Technology
- Journal: Journal of Systems and Software
- Journal: CIT - Journal of Computing and Information Technology
- Journal: IEEE TII - Transactions on Industrial Informatics
- QoSA 2008 - International Conference on the Quality of Software-Architectures
- SERPS´08,- Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice in Sweden
Conferences, Seminars, PhD examination, invited talks, etc.
- Stig Larsson, PhD defense, Dec 16th, MDH, Västerås, Sweden, Main advisor
- Åsmund Tjora, PhD defense, NTNU TRondheim, Norwey, Dec 21st , The committee member
- Magnus Ericsson, PHD. Defense, Umeå, Sweden, Feb 10, The committee member
- ITEA2 MARTES Review, Kortrijk, NL, Dec 10, The external reviewer
- ICBSE 2008, PC meeting, Dec 8-9, Frankfurt, PC member
- RiSS 2007 - Summer School on Software Reuse, Recife, Brazil, Nov 30-Dec 1, Invited speaker
- Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Nov 19-24, CBSE course, Invited lecturer
- ICAT 2007 conference, Sarajevo Oct 29-31, Invited speaker
- SERPS 2007 conference, Gothenburg, Oct 24-25, Sweden
- Guglielmo De Angelis, PHD Defence, Pisa Oct 16, Reviewer
- BCI 2007 conference, Sept 27-29 Sofia, Bulgarien, Invited speaker
- ESEC/FSE conference, Dubrovnik Spet 3-7, General Chair
- Euromicro SEAA conference, Lübeck, Germany Aug 27-31, CBSE Program Chair
- COMPSAC 2007, Beijing, July 23-27, 2OO7, Tutorial
- CBSE 2007, QoSA 2007, July 9-14, Boston, Co-organizer
- ITI 2007, JUne 25-29, Cavtat, Croatia
- L'Aquila University, June 11-12, Invited lectures
- Krzystof Sierszecki Phd defense, Syddansk Universitet, Sönderborg, Danmark, Reviewer
- Per Jönsson, PHD Defense, BTH, Rönneby, July 1, Sweden, Reviewer
- ICSE 2007, Minneapolis, Minnesota, US, May 21-25, Tutorial
- ESEC/FSE PC meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, US, May 21-25, Tutorial
- 2nd Congress of Croatian Scientists, Split, Croatia, May 7-10, Organiser
- Jesper Andersson, PhD Defense, Linköping, Sweden, May 27, Reviewer
- Faculty of Informatics, Varazdin, Croatia, March 1-4, Lectures
Courses taught:
- Distrubuted Software Development (7.5 ETCS)
- CBSE - Building reliable component-based systems, Ph.D course (7.5 ETCS)
- Introduction to Software Project Management (6 or 7.5 ECTS)
Research Projects
- Industrial IT
- ARTIST2 EU Network of excelence
- APICS - A Process for Efficient and Effective Integration of Component Based Software
- SOFAR - Software Architecture Evolution
- SAVE and SAVE++ (SSF)
- ITEA2 FLEXI - Flexible Integration in Global Product Development
Advising Ph.D. students
- Johan Fredriksson, Stig Larsson, Hongyu Pei Breivold, Séverine Sentilles, Aneta Vulgarakis, Kurt Wallnau, Mikael Åkerholm
- Magnus Larsson (obtained PhD), Rikard Land (obtained PhD), Frank Lüders (obtained PhD), Goran Mustapic (Obtained Lic), Christina Wallin (Obtained Lic), Rikard Lindell (Obtained Lic), Annita Persson Dahlquist (Obtained LiC)
PC member, reviewer
- ASE 2007 - Aytomated Software Engineering Conference
- ConTEL 2007 - International Conference on Telecommunications
- CBSE 2007 - International ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on
Component-Based Software Engineering
- DSN 2007 - International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks
- ICCBSS 2007 - International Conference on COTS-based Software Systems
- ICSE 2008 - International Conference on Software EngineeringITI conference
- Journal: Software Process: Improvement and Practice
- Journal: Information Software and Technology
- Journal: Journal of Systems and Software
- Journal: CIT - Journal of Computing and Information Technology
- Journal: IEEE TII - Transactions on Industrial Informatics
- ROSATEA 2007 - The Role of Software Architecture for Testing and Analysis
- QoSA 2007 - International Conference on the Quality of Software-Architectures
- SBCARS 2007 - Brazilian Symposium on Software Components, Architectures and Reuse
- SERPS 2007 - Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice in Sweden
- WADS 2007 - Workshop on Architecting Dependable Systems
- WDBC 2007
- FASE2007 - Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering
Conferences, Seminars, PhD examination, invited talks, etc.
- Frank Lüders, PhD defense, Dec 18th, Västerås, Sweden
- 6th Brazilian Workshop on Component-based Development, WDBC, Dec 4-8, Recife, Brazil, Invited talk
- ITEA2 MARTES Project , Helsinki, Finland, Nov 21, review
- University of Zagreb, Faculty of Computing and Electrical Engineering, Nov 16, Invited Talk
- University of Sofia, Nov 13, Invited talk
- University of Prag, School of Informatics, Oct 31, Invited seminar
- Embedded Systems Conference, Stockholm, Oct 2, Invited talk
- Robert Bialek, PhD Defense, Copenhagen, Danmark, Sep 19, PhD committee
- Rikard Land, PhD defense, Västerås, Sep 15
- MDD for Distributed RTES Summer School, Aber Wrach, Brittany, France, Sep 07, Seminar
- Euromicro SEAA 2007 Conference, Cavtat, Croatia, Aug 28, General Chair
- TrustSoft Summer School, Dagstuhl,Germany invited , Jul 17-21, Seminar
- CBSE 2006 Sympoisum Jun 30, General Chair
- QoSA 2006 Conference, Jun 27, General Chair'
- ITI Conference, Cavtat, Jun 19, Paper presentation
- L'Aquila University, Visit, Jun 6-17
- Richard Torkar, PhD Defense, BTH Ronneby, Jun 12, Program Committee
- ICSE 2006, Shanghai, May 22, ESEC/FSE steering committe
- University of Zagreb, Faculty of Computing and Electrical Engineering, May 8
- Faculty of Management, Zagreb, March 27, E-goverement - Seminar
- L'Aquila University, Visit, March 16-22
- Thesaloniki University, Greece, March 8, Seminar
- Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey, March 10. Seminar
- Magnus Ericsson, Lic. Defense, Umeå, Sweden, Feb 10, Opponent
Courses taught:
- Distrubuted Software Development (7.5 ETCS)
- Software Engineering (15 ECTS)
- CBSE - Building reliable component-based systems, Ph.D course (7.5 ETCS)
- Introduction to Software Project Management (6 or 7.5 ECTS)
- Software products life cycle. PhD course, University of Zagreb, 5 ECTS
Research Projects
- Industrial IT
- ARTIST2 EU Network of excelence
- APICS - A Process for Efficient and Effective Integration of Component Based Software
- FLEXCON - Flexible Controlers (SSF)
- PSI - Product Data Management and Software Data Management Integration
- SAVE and SAVE++ (SSF)
Advising Ph.D. students
- Daniel Flemström, Johan Fredriksson, Stig Larsson, Rikard Land,, Frank Lüders, Hongyu Pei Breivold, Annita Persson-Dahlqvist, Séverine Sentilles, Aneta Vulgarakis, Kurt Wallnau, Mikael Åkerholm
- Magnus Larsson (obtained PhD), Goran Mustapic (Obtained Lic), Christina Wallin (Obtained Lic), Rikard Lindell (Obtained Lic)
PC member, reviewer
- CACM Special Section on Flexible and Distributed Software Development Processes Review Form
- Co-Edior of Journal of Computing and Information Technology
- Journal of Empirical Software Engineering
- Formal Foundations of Embedded Software and Component-Based Software Architectures Satellite workshop
- IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering
- 6th IEEE International Conference on COTS-based Software Systems
- ICSE 2006 Workshops
- IEE Software
- Journal: Information and Software Technology
- ITI conference
- Journal of Systems and Software
- ROSATEA workshop
- Specification and Verification of Component-Based Systems workshop
- DSN 2006 Workshop on Architecturing Dependable Systems
- WDBC 2006
- WICSA 2007
- FASE2007
- SEFT2006
Conferences, Seminars, PhD examination, invited talks, etc.
- Component-Based Software Engineering of Trustworthy Embedded Systems - Co-editor
- Special Issue on Software Configuration Management - Co-editor
- Component-Based Development Challenges in Building Reliable Systems, Sept. 2005, Varazdin, Croatia, Invited talk
- First International Conference on the Quality of Software Architectures (QoSA 2005) PC member
- WICSA 2005 - conference on software architecture, Pittsburgh, US Nov 6-9, 2005 PC member
- ESEC/FSE 2005, Lisbon Sep
- SCM -12 symposium, Lisbon, 2005 PC member
- 31st Euromicro Conference, SEAA, 2005 Porto, Aug, 2005 - PC Chair
- 31st Euromicro Conference, CBSE track, 2005 Porto, Aug, 2005 - PC Chair
- Technical University/Eindhoven, July - two weeks stay
- ITI 2005, Dubrovnik, Croatia, June, 2005 PC member
- ICSE 2005, Tutorial Component-Based Software Engineering for Embedded Systems, May 2005 - Tutorial
- CBSE 2005 Symposium, ICSE 2006, May, 2005 - Co-organizer
- ICCBSS 2005 - CBSE for embedded systems, Bilbao, Spain, Feb, 2005 - Panel organisation
Courses taught:
Distrubuted Software Development (7.5 ETCS) |
Software Engineering (15 ECTS) |
CBSE - Building reliable component-based systems, Ph.D course (7.5 ETCS) |
CBSE -Component technologies, MASTER course (7.5 ETCS) |
Distributed Software Development, CD5610, master course (7.5 ETCS) |
Introduction to Software Project Management (6 or 7.5 ECTS) |
Research Projects
Industrial IT |
ARTIST EU Network of excelence |
ARTIST2 EU Network of excelence |
APICS - A Process for Efficient and Effective Integration of Component Based Software |
FLEXCON - Flexible Controlers (SSF) |
PSI - Product Data Management and Software Data Management Integration |
VinnMRTC - Proposal for Vinnova Excellence Center |
Advising Ph.D. students
Frank Lüders, Rikard Land, Goran Mustapic, Mikael Åkerholm, Johan Fredriksson, Kurt Wallanu, Stig Larsson, Annita Persson-Dahlqvist |
Magnus Larsson (obtained PhD), Rikard Lindell (Obtained Lic), Christina Wallin (Obtained Lic) |
Conferences, Seminars, PhD examination, invited talks, etc.
- Dagstuhl seminar, Building systems from trustworthy components, Dagstuhl, Germany, Dec. 13-17th.
- Technical University Eindhoven, PhD examination committee to Eskenazi, E. and Fioukov, A, Eindhoven, the Netherlands, Dec., 7th,
- Microsoft Academic Days, Stockholm, 24-26 November 2004, Invited presentation
- SAAB Space Seminar, Linköping, Sweden, November 23, Invited presentation
- Electrotehnical Faculty, Osijek, Croatia, November 19th, Invited presentation
- First conference of Croatian Scientists, Zagreb, Vukovar, November 15-19th, Coorganiser of the session of technical sciences
- CIGRE Symposim, International Council On Large Electric Systems Croatian National Committee, Dubrovnik, Croatia, Sep. 11-18, Invited talk
- ASE 2004, Automated Software Engineering Conference, Linz, Austria, September 20-24, Tutorial
- 30th Euromicro Conference, Component-based Software engineering Track, Rennes - France, August 31st September 3rd, 2004, Program Chair
- SNART Swedish Conference, Development of Complex Embedded Systems, Seminar, Gothenburg, Sweden, August 22nd, invited speaker
- L'Aquala University, Italy, July 5th, Invited seminar
- Workshop on Software Architectures for Dependable Systems, DSN 2004, Florence, Italy, July, 2004, PC member
- Component-based Approach for Embedded Systems, Seminar EU Commission, Brussels, Presentation
- Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA4), WICSA2004 - June 12 - 15, Oslo, Norway, PC member, paper presentation
- 9th Workshop on Component oriented programming (WCOP 2004), paper presentation
- 26th International Conference Information Technology Interfaces ITI 2004, Dubrovnik, June 7-10, 2004, PC member, paper
- Symposium of Component-based Software Engineering CBSE7, Edinburgh, May 24th -25th, 2004, Program Chair
- Workshop on Software Architectures for Dependable Systems, ICSE 2004, May 24th -25th, 2004, PC member
- Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference - MELECON 2004, May 12-15, Dubrovnik, PC member
- University of Lausanne, in the PhD examination committee to Otto Preiss, May 2004, Lausanne
- Artist review, Paris, May 2004
Courses taught:
Distrubuted Software Development (7.5 ETCS) |
Software Engineering (15 ECTS) |
CBSE - Building reliable component-based systems, Ph.D course (7.5 ETCS) |
CBSE -Component technologies, Ph.D. course (7.5 ETCS) |
Distributed Software Development, CD5610, (7.5 ETCS) |
Research Projects
STINA - Standard Technologies in Industrial Applications |
Industrial IT |
The Siblings project |
ARTIST EU Network of excelence |
DOTS EU PRoject |
CBSENet EU Network |
SAVE project (SSF) |
APICS - A Process for Efficient and Effective Integration of Component Based Software |
FLEXCON - Flexible Controlers (SSF) |
PSI - Product Data Management and Software Data Management Integration |
The Siblings Project |
Advising Ph.D. students
Magnus Larsson (obtained PhD), Frank Lüders, Rikard Land, Goran Mustapic (obtained Lic) , Mikael Åkerholm, Johan Fredriksson, Kurt Wallanu, Stig Larsson, Annita Persson-Dahlqvist, Rikard Lindell (Obtained Lic) |
Conferences, Seminars, PhD examination, invited talks, etc.
Blekinge Institute of technology, PhD opponent to Mathias Svannholm |
SERPS03, Third Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice in Sweden. October, Lund University, PC member |
Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, October, Invited Lectures |
CBSEnet EU network meeting, Larnaca, Cyprus, April, Project workshop |
25th International Conference INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INTERFACES, Dubrovnik, Croatia, June, Invited talk, tutorial |
26th International Convention MIPRO, Opatija, Croatia, May, Invited talk |
International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), Portland, Oregon, May |
ICSE CBSE6, Portland, Oregon, May, co-organizer |
SCM 11, Portland, Oregon, May |
ESEC/FSE, Portland, Oregon, May, PC Meeting |
Ericsson, Gothenburg, Sweden, April, Invited talk |
CBSEnet EU network meeting, Budapest, Hungary, April, Invited talk |
Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden, PhD Opponent |
Artist EU project, Paris, France, January |
Hawaii International Conference on Education, Waikiki, Hawaii, January |
PACC2 workshop, SEI/CMU, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, January |
Courses taught:
Distrubuted Software Development (7.5 ETCS) |
Software Engineering (15 ECTS) |
CBSE - Building reliable component-based systems, Ph.D course (7.5 ETCS) |
CBSE -Component technologies, Ph.D. course (7.5 ETCS) |
Distributed Software Development, CD5610, (7.5 ETCS) |
Research project planning, PhD course, (7.5 ETCS) |
Research Projects
STINA - Standard Technologies in Industrial Applications |
Industrial IT |
The Siblings project |
ARTIST EU Network of excelence |
DOTS EU PRoject |
CBSENet EU Network |
SAVE project (SSF) |
APICS - A Process for Efficient and Effective Integration of Component Based Software |
FLEXCON - Flexible Controlers (SSF) |
PSI - Product Data Management and Software Data Management Integration |
The Siblings Project |
Advising Ph.D. students
Magnus Larsson, Frank Lüders (obtained Lic Degree), Rikard Land (obtained Lic Degree), Christina Wallin (obtained Lic Degree), Goran Mustapic, Mikael Åkerholm, Johan Fredriksson, Kurt Wallanu, Stig Larsson, Annita Persson-Dahlqvist |
Conferences and Seminars
Lund University, Lund, Sweden, December, PhD commission |
Blekinge Institute of Technology, Ronneby, Sweden, December, Invited lecture |
International institute of research, Stockholm, Sweden, December, Invited talk |
SERPS-02, Second Conference on Software Engineering Research, Ronneby, Sweden, December |
Artist EU project, Grenoble, France, October |
Lund University, Lund, Sweden, September, PhD commission |
Euromicro conference CBSE track, Dortmund, Germany, September, program chair |
Artist EU project, Oldenburg, Germany, September |
24th COMPSAC 2002, Oxford, UK, Panelist, Paper presentation |
24th ICSE, Orlando, Florida, May, Panelist, IMPACT - SCM |
5th ICSE Workshop on Component-Based Software Engineering, Orlando, Florida, May, co-organizer |
7th Int. Design Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia, May, Paper presentation |
ICSR7 2002 Workshop on Component-based Software Development Processes
Austin, Texas, April, PC member |
ECBS 2002, CBSE Workshop, Lund, Sweden, 2002 April, co-organizer |
Ericsson, Gothenburg, Sweden, January, Invited presentation |
Courses taught:
Software Engineering (10 points) |
CBSE - Building reliable component-based systems, Ph.D course (5 points) |
CBSE -Component technologies, Ph.D. course (5 points) |
Research Projects
STINA - Standard Technologies in Industrial Applications |
Industrial IT |
The Siblings project |
ARTIST EU Network of excelence |
DOTS EU PRoject |
Advising Ph.D. students
Magnus Larsson, Frank Lüders, Andreas Sjögren, Rikard Land, Christina Wallin, Goran Mustapic |
Other activities
Chair of Computer Science Laboratory |
KTH - Industrial Information and Control Systems, Stockholm, Opponent in defence of PhD thesis
Pontus JohnsonEnterprise Software System Integration - An Architectural Perspective |
Blekinge Institute of Technology, committee member in defence of PhD thesis
PerOlof Bengtsson , Architecture-Level Modifiability Analysis |
Journal of Systems and Software, Special Issue, CBSE: Component Certification and System Prediction, co-editor |
Forum Management of Technology - Cooperation with ABB |
Forum Industrial IT - Cooperation with ABB |
WFCS2002, Västerås, 2002, PC member |
Supervising and examining Master and Bachelor Thesis
Analysis of methodology to share and distribute information from the PDM-system at Seco Tools AB |
Designing Component-Based Systems with UML Contract Specifications |
Conference Announcement Information System |
Ett intranetbaserat system för dokumentationshantering |
Migrating from COM to .NET |
ActiveX-Komponent till MACH2 HMI |
Conferences, Seminars, PhD examination, invited talks, etc.
APAQS Conference, Hong-Komg, December, paper presentation |
SERP01 Workshop, Ronneby, Sweden, PC member |
ECBS 2002, CBSE Workshop, Lund, Sweden, 2002 April, co-organizer |
Verkstads Industrier conference: PDM and SCM, , Stockholm, September, co-organizer, presentation |
First Swedish Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice, Ronneby, November, PC-member |
CBSE Workshop, Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh , October |
Euromicro 2001 CBSE workshop - Warsaw, Poland, September, programme chairman |
ABB Seminar: Component-based Software Engineering, Västerås, August, organizer, presentation |
ICSE SCM-10, Toronto, May, PC member |
ICSE 2001 - CBSE4 workshop, Toronto, May, Co-organizer |
Mipro 2001, Opatija, Croatia, May, Invited talks |
MRTC Industrial day, Västerås, Sweden, March, Organizer, Invited talk |
Papers - see the link
Courses taught:
Unix Development Environment (5 points) |
Software Engineering (10 points) |
CBSE - Building reliable component-based systems, Ph.D course (5 points) |
CBSE -Component technologies, Ph.D. course (5 points) |
Research Project Planning, Ph.D. course (5 points) |
Courses developed
CBSE - Building reliable component-based systems, Ph.D course (5 points) |
CBSE -Component technologies, Ph.D. course (5 points) |
Research Projects
STINA - Standard Technologies in Industrial Applications |
Industrial IT |
The Siblings project |
Advising Ph.D. students
Magnus Larsson, Frank Lüders, Andreas Sjögren, Rikard Land, Christina Wallin |
Other activities
Journal of Systems and Software, Special Issue, CBSE: Component Certification and System Prediction, co-editor |
Editing and writing a book CBSE: Building reliable component-based systems |
Computer Science Lab Leader |
Forum Management of Technology - Cooperation with ABB |
Forum Industrial IT - Cooperation with ABB |
Verkstads Industrier - Member of Configuration Management Group, PDM-CM project |
Referee: IEEE Software, Software Practice & Experience, Information Software and Technology |
Supervising and examining Master and Bachelor Thesis
Industrial IT - OLE for Process Control for testing in Graphics Builder |
Client for OPC History Data Access |
Förstudie av installationsprogramvara |
Metoder och tekniker för distribuerade testklienter |
Integration of object oriented and relational data in a process control environment |
Panelbyggare för Operate IT |
Building an e-commerce system |
Översättning mellan informationsmodeller |
Analysis of the ABB Sigma Platform and Microsoft standard technologies |
Programvarusimulering med Teamwork, utvärdering av resultat och användarbarhet |
Utveckling av Web-service |
Metoder och tekniker för distribuerade testklienter |
Användning av XML/RDF för representation av kraftsystem modeller |
Automatiserad byggprocess av komponenter med olika språk |
Integrating ABB Aspect Directory with Microsoft Active Directory |
Conferences and Seminars:
Euromicro 2001 CBSE workshop - programme chairman |
ICSE SCM-10, PC member |
ICSE 2001 - CBSE workshop, Co-organizer |
APSEC Dec, Singapore - Paper presentation |
IIR, Nov, Stockholm - Seminar |
ICSM, Oct, San Jose, US, Preventive Maintenance - participant in the panel debate |
ABB CBSE, Aug, Baden, Switzerland - Workshop chairman |
ECOOP - WCOP, June, Canes, France - Paper presentation |
ICSE, June, Limerick, Ireland, Paper Presentation |
ICSE-CBSE, June, Limerick, Ireland, Paper Presentation |
MIPRO, May, Opatija, Croatia, Seminar, Paper presentation |
ESCOM, May, Munich, Germany, Paper Presentation |
ECBS, May, Edinburgh, Paper Presentation |
Papers - see the link
Courses taught:
Unix Development Environment (5 points) |
Software Engineering (10 points) |
CBSE Ph.D course (cont.) (5 points) |
Courses developed
Software Engineering (10 points) |
Advising Ph.D. students
Magnus Larsson, Frank Lüders |
Other activities
Computer Science Laboratory leader |
STINA project leader |
IEEE Software - Special Issue Component Based Software Engineering - referee |
Verkstads Industrier - member of Configuration Management Group, PDM-CM project |
APSEC, CBD Workshop, Dec, Takamatsu, Paper presentation |
IIR, Nov, Stockholm, Seminar |
SCM 9, Aug, Toulouse, France, paper presentation |
DEXA, Requirements Engineering workshop, Aug, Florence |
TechNet, July, Amsterdam |
ICSE, CBSE Workshop, May, Los Angeles |
VI-SCM, Feb, Stockholm, Presentation |
Papers see the link
Courses taught
Object oriented programming with C++ (5points) |
Unix Development Environment (5 points) |
CBSE Ph.D course (5 points) |
Courses devloped
CBSE Ph.D course (5 points) |
Other activities
STINA project-leader |
Distance education - presentation |
MRTC seminar - presentation |
Verkstads Industrier - member of Configuration Management Group
Last update: 2010-01-03,
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